Learn how to read sheet music.
Sight reading is the most important skill required to playing an instrument. The sight reading bass game enables you to learn how to read sheet music in a fun way.
Whether youre an expert musician or a beginner youll enjoy learning and improving your sight reading skills while playing this game.
The easy level of game play displays one octave of notes.
The medium level lets you play two octaves.
The expert level has three octaves.
In the practice mode you can discover and learn all the notes at your own pace.
In the game modes youll have sixty seconds to recognize as many of the notes displayed correctly as you can. Professional musicians regularly get more than 70 points in expert mode. Can you match their score?
Play this game on a regular basis to improve your skills. The built in reminder functionality helps you practice your skills on a daily basis.
For extra fun: challenge your friends to beat your score.
Enjoy improving your sight reading skills.
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WE SUPPORT TEACHERS: If youre a music teacher simply send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "Bass Game" and a short description of where you teach to get a redemption code for this game.